Thursday, December 4, 2014

After Christmas, Chocolate Pops Will Bid a Sweet Farewell to Its Greensboro Customers

Chocolate Pops is located at 2913-C Church Street (two blocks north of Cone Boulevard, next to the Classic Car Wash). Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday 10am – 5pm, Saturday 10am – 2pm (closed Sunday)

Chocolate Pops is everything that a candy store should be: bright, colorful, whimsical, and oh-so-wonderful-smelling! Owner Wendy Hayton, as cheery and welcoming as the store itself, was hard at work making her delicious confections, but she took a break to chat with me while popping up occasionally to wait on her devoted regular customers. I asked her about the store, and we also chatted about her other pursuits.

Chocolate Pops opened in its current location on Church Street on Greensboro in October of 2007, and for the last seven years, while raising five children and going to school, Wendy's been minding the store, baking and candy-making and shining her sparkling personality on all who meet her. If this doesn't sound like quite enough work for one woman, she has also has done catering, delivering her in-demand sweets to the International Home Furnishings Market in High Point, and oh yeah—she wrote a book in her spare time (what spare time?). The book, called Race Records, is a story of love and music in America's Jazz Age, and besides being a fascinating look at American history and a compelling story of forbidden relationships, it also has a personal connection, being the story of Wendy's own family. The book is available as a Kindle download or hard copy from, at Scuppernong Books on Elm Street (see my recent writeup of Scuppernong here), or at Chocolate Pops—Wendy has a stock on hand. “I sell them out of my car trunk,” she says, cheerfully.

Wendy also does all of the displays at Chocolate Pops herself, and they are so creative and attractive, I believe I photographed every inch of that store. She actually did a stint as a department-store window display designer, and her experience shows. She also designs the various gift bags and arrangements that she sells at Chocolate Pops. These would make great holiday gifts for teachers, coworkers, and service people who make our lives easier—just think how much nicer a bouquet of moist, yummy cake pops would be than just another candle or Christmas ornament.

Hands down, the best-selling item at Chocolate Pops is, of course, the chocolate-dipped cake pops from which the store takes its name (“It's food on a stick!” Wendy exclaims, declaring that more food should be on sticks). Wendy bakes these daily in large quantities and great variety—there are between 10-15 different flavors featured daily—but she suggests that you also try the turtles, confections of caramel, pecans and your choice of milk or dark chocolate. I've had one of each and can definitely say they are both delectable! The turtles are also conveniently on sticks, and adorably molded in the shape of an actual turtle, with pecans sticking out like little feet.

Something people might be surprised to learn about Chocolate Pops is that every item that is sold there is made right in the store, and as I mentioned before, the place smells divine! There is always something new and interesting, and of course the store's strong point is its flexibility: Customers can stop in for single-serving delights or to grab a ready-made gift arrangement, or they can call ahead to make a larger order for an office meeting or birthday party. People also like to call in to see what the special flavors of the day are, as well.

Of course, you are wondering: Chocolate Pops is established and well-loved, so why is it closing its doors? Wendy tells me that due to various changes in her life—positive ones, actually, including her recent graduation—she will be closing the shop after Christmas. She just has so many things that she wants to do, and that she can do, that it's time to move on to new adventures. Still, she has a love of creating and bringing joy to people, as well as a work ethic that just won't quit, and I suspect that we are going to have more opportunities to see her in the future. She has announced the store's closing on the Chocolate Pops Facebook page, and from the comments, it's clear that this will be a loss for the community. But until Christmas, Chocolate Pops is up and running full speed, so be sure to stop in and visit her, and make sure to stock up on all those sweet goodies you love before they are gone!

You can also find What's Good in Greensbroro? on Facebook at . See you there!


  1. Those turtles sound so cute and I'm always looking for sweet treats for my dad's stocking. I may need to drop by before the closing.

    1. They are great, and each one is individually wrapped in cellophane with a cute little ribbon, so it would be a perfect stocking stuffer!
